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A Thing Evaluation

How to Evaluate Customer Satisfaction

Given the current condition of the ISO marketplace many ISOs tell us that they spend a lot of time working on retention of their existing base, either to increase their on-going residual payments or to improve their leasing company's fall-out. In addition, we see ISOs attempting to make customer support and service the key elements of their competitiveness, rather than price. Before you can measure customer satisfaction, however, you need to establish performance measurements. If your office is struggling with this issue, we may have something that will help, and its free.

An on-line resource from the U.S. Government ( will help walk any business through the process. The overview section details an 11-step process for measuring performance, including mapping current processes and determining whether they are effective. Once you have determined performance measurement criteria, the guide details how to collect performance data and review results. You can download the entire handbook in a PDF version for printing. (You'll need to download Adobe Acrobat reader.)




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