Word Pictures Sell Service
Some people need cold hard facts and specific examples to motivate
them to a buying decision. Dealing with abstract notions or
predictions of what a product will do, just won't get them to buy.
That's why infomercials and testimonials are so popular.
So, prior to
meeting with a prospect, do your homework. Find out all you can about
the business. Then, go through your sold accounts and seek out
success stories about a merchant with similar characteristics or
Your parallel success story can be about a merchant who sells a
similar product, is located in a similar location, or is at the same
point in his career. For example, you may learn that your prospect is
new to the retail industry. Search through your sold accounts and
you'll find a company that was new to the retail industry and is now
a success because of your service. Or, maybe you sold your service to
a merchant who was opening his second location and your prospect is
doing the same. Or, your service may have helped a "mom and pop"
outlet compete with a large chain and your current prospect is facing
the same challenge.
If you search hard enough through your sold accounts, you will be
able to find someone who has something in common with the prospect
and has had success because of your service. Use that as an example
of what your service will do for this merchant.
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