Want to Make a Quick $100?
We want to hear your fish story. We want to hear all about how you
caught the big account that everyone else has been after. Call our
Tales of Sales Experience Hotline and share your story of how you
reeled in the catch no one else could. What'd you use for bait? How
long did it take to reel 'em in? For sharing your story with us,
we'll give you $100 bucks. What's the catch? None. Simply dial
800-757-4441, hit 4 for the Tales of Sales Experience Hotline and
chatter away about your "catch of the day." We'll transcribe the call
for you, and when we print it in The Green Sheet, you get
$100! So be sure and leave your name and phone number on your
recording so you can get the 100 clams.
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