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A Thing Human

I'm Only Human

Decision makers have the interests of their business at heart but that doesn't mean they're not human. Treat them that way and you'll get further in your efforts.

For example, salespeople get a bad rap. We're all pushy, looking out for number one and sometimes, unethical. That doesn't feel too good, does it. But, are you guilty of doing the same to prospects? Are they all rude, ignorant and self-possessed? Give your prospective customers the respect of recognizing that they are more than their title.

You can do this by relating to your prospect as a person, not just as the "Sales Manager," "Owner," or "Accountant." It's important to recognize that people don't really care what you have to say until they feel they can trust your motivation and judgment. Which means your prospect MUST KNOW they are putting their money and faith in a worthy company and the relationship will get even better over time.

In order to build this trust, you, as the sales professional, must be able to offer advice that is good for this person, not just for your commission. You must also provide a variety of solutions and hopefully at least one will involve acquiring your service.

Treating your prospects like people will result in successful closes, quality accounts, and increased referrals.

Good Selling!SM

Paul H. Green



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