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A Thing Hypercom Update

Hypercom Update

You probably encounter products from Hypercom, the 20-year-old POS and networking products company, daily. Its POS systems produce most of the company's revenue but the company also creates products that transmit data, voice, fax, and video traffic over a single network. Following are some new applications and programs the company has debuted lately which may be news to you.

New Programs

Hypercom's newest applications are aimed at petroleum/convenience stores (PetroSmartT), employee time and attendance management (Card Clock), multi-lane processing (STACK M), and electronic commerce (GlobeSet). They also plan to begin a pilot installation of touch-screen technologies for retail, restaurant, and multi-lane merchants.


PetroSmartT is a cooperative effort between Special Services Systems (SSS) and Hypercom. The software runs on the T7PG and T7G terminals, which are marketed under the SSS label. Both pieces have graphic display and integrated printers. The pilot was completed in December 1996 and currently more than 600 locations have PetroSmart, which is certified on the SPS Payment Network. The call rate to help desks is $.73/month and 83% of transactions go through in eight seconds or less.

Card Clock

PAYTRAN is an Arizona-based ISO who chose to use the Hypercom T7 series as time clocks. The T7 houses Card Clock software for employee attendance records thus saving paper processing and time.

Card Clock generates a variety of reports, such as payroll and hours, and includes 23 parameters which can be modified at any time. Restaurants are expected to use Card Clock most readily, and is also ideal for retail and lodging locations. Card Clock can be licensed for resale by calling PAYTRAN at (888)512-0677.

Stack M

Stack M is a multi-lane processing solution, which consolidates credit card authorization traffic from 12 terminals onto a single phone line. The terminal doesn't have to wait for a response from the processor's host line before transmitting another request and the line remains open as long as any terminal sends a request within 30 seconds.


In July, Hypercom signed an agreement with GlobeSet, Inc., to allow Hypercom to offer a SET solution that works with a greater range of payment cards and SET applications than any other SET available. "GlobeSet's software coupled with Hypercom's client server technology, the Pinnacle Transaction environment, further enables end users to easily add evolving payment applications and expand their POS networks," said George Wallner, Hypercom Chairman.

For more info on Hypercom and its products, call (602)504-5000 or access


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