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A Thing Crystal CLEAR

Crystal CLEAR

What makes an achiever? Achievers have a vision of what they want to accomplish and how they will do it. They have a CLEAR image of how they will succeed.

Achievers are Communicators.Very few people become a success all by themselves. Along their way to the top, they communicate their ideas, questions, and concerns to others.

Achievers are Listeners. They hone their listening skills to become attuned to others' needs. Once they're aware of the concerns of others, they can incorporate those concerns into their plans.

Achievers are Efficient in their processes. You can be the smartest person in the world but if you can't accomplish goals or maximize resources, you won't be a success.

Achievers are Able. They generally CAN get the job done, but if they can't, they find someone who can.

Finally, Achievers are Ready. They are poised at all times to take advantage of an opportunity and make things happen.

If you want to be an Achiever, fine tune your communication and listening skills, increase efficiency by maximizing time and effort, take part in on-going education and training to better your abilities, and always be ready for the next opportunity.

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