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A Thing On the Virtues of Being Positive

On the Virtues of Being Positive

If you say things to yourself such as, "My boss will never promote me," or "They'll never call me back," or "They're not going to sign with me," then you're absolutely right, they won't.

But if you say, "I'm going to get that promotion. I'll ask for the raise and show why I've earned it," or "I'll call them and call them and be sure to follow up," you will change the outcome of the situation.

What's the difference between these two scenarios? Attitude. The difference between a good and bad attitude isn't that one is sweet and the other surly. People with healthy perspectives know that they have the power to change situations. They also know that no matter how bad a situation is, it is only temporary. A person with a bad attitude believes that conditions are permanent, beyond their control, and they have no choice but to accept them.

You have the power to change your situation simply by changing your perspective. Everything has a cause and effect, and if you don't like the effect, identify the cause and change it. For example, if a prospect isn't returning your calls, don't accept that there's nothing you can do. Identify the effect (you haven't signed the account), identify the cause (the prospect didn't call you back), change the cause (call the prospect), and that may change the effect. Don't give the power to others; you are the key to your success.

There will be setbacks (the prospect still may not buy from you even though you followed up) but one day, if you stick with it long enough, you will make progress. Maybe with that prospect, maybe with someone else.

Your attitude will determine how successful you are. By modifying your manner toward the people you deal with, the things you do, and life in general, you decide what happens.


Good Selling!SM

Paul H. Green



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