Letters to the Editor
I would like to say that we really appreciate your effort and
commitment to your Green Sheet Editorials. They've been a big
help in sharing the Q & A's of other ISOs and MSPs in the
merchant service industry.
I really enjoyed meeting with you guys over in Montgomery, AL this
last week and would like to say that your approach to this business
really changed our focus on future accounts and prospects. I had
decided to be there because I've been reading The Green Sheet
I called Termnet in order to find out about your ISO program and a
great guy, named Jack Walker called me back.
I would like to know more about your ISO and MSP program. We have
been processing currently through USA Processing for Retail Merchants
and ANB for MO/TO, Internet merchants. We have been in business 1 1/2
years and have about four good reps, we're processing about 15 to 20
accounts/deals a month. The turnaround time with USA is about seven
days to 2 weeks with completed and flawless packages. You interested
me on the points that you made and I appreciate it when someone tells
it like it is and you were great with that because in sales you can't
pull punches if you are trying to develop a successful and aggressive
sales force.
Thank you,
Christopher D. Armour
ISO/Regional Sales Dir.
Thank you for your comments. It is always nice to hear that our
efforts are well received. I would refer you back to the first issue
of 1997, for information on the banks and ISO programs in the country
The Green Sheet, Inc. will be sponsoring eight training
sessions in the first quarter of 1998 in eight major cities around
the country; watch for more information. We are happy to say that we
will be providing generic training on Bankcard Acceptance Services,
Check Verification and Check Guarantee. We have lined up terrific
speakers from the banking industry and two major check companies to
provide the basic and essential information that we believe ISOs
need. In addition we will begin a series of "bankcard" education
topics in The Green Sheet beginning in December.
In so far as not pulling punches, I think you will find the
information in the next few Green Sheets will not disappoint you.
Good Selling!SM
Paul H. Green
Mr. Green:
My company currently writes for ANB and has been very happy with
them but we have some merchants that ANB is not able to process. I
noticed you have a list of "banks" looking for ISOs. The following
are the Banks I'd like to contact. Please e-mail me their numbers so
I may do so. Thank you.
- First Bank of Beverly Hills, CA
- 1st USA Bank, Dallas TX
- Bank of Los Angeles, CA
- Woodforest National Bank, TX
- First Bank of Kentucky
- Chittenden Bank
- Bank of Hawaii
- Bank of America
- National Bank of Redwoods
Thank you very much for your help with these numbers.
Lori Durden
Lakeside Merchant Srvcs
Ms. Durden:
We have been able to locate the following phone numbers from
your list. Also, check the Banks Looking for ISOs listed in the
Resource Guide on-line (with linked web addresses where available)
and in our paper version. Both verions list phone numbers.
- 1. First Bank of Beverly Hills, (800) 515-1616 2. Bank of
California, Los Angeles (213) 351-3500 3. Bank of Hawaii (808)
- 4. Bank of America (415) 622-3456
- 5. National Bank of the Redwoods (707) 573-4895
Good Selling!SM
Paul Green
Dear Paul Green,
I recently received a free subscription to your newsletter from
CrossCheck. I would like to commend you and your staff on the
information and resources that you present.
I have been using Property Resource Network for our site surveys
and I have been experiencing some severe delays. I am desperately
seeking other resources to investigate. I have been told that Equifax
and a company in California called Spectrum can assist me in this
issue, however, I have been unsuccessful in locating any telephone
I would appreciate any suggestions you or your staff may have
regarding this dilemma.
I look forward to receiving your next issue!
Respectfully Submitted,
Michelle A. Kallevik
Alternative Business Concepts, Inc.
Ms. Kallevik:
We believe that Property Resource Network is the best in the
business; however, we have found an alternate source for merchant
bankcard site surveys.
Spectrum Field Services
John Burbidge
Please be sure to mention that The Green Sheet sent you.
Good Selling!SM
Paul Green
Mr. Green:
I am answering a "Vernon's" letter from the Oct 20 issue RE: his
question about Associated Check Protection Services. I think he may
have the name confused as there is a company called Check Guarantee
Services out of Arlington, TX that pays 90% of the check with no
monthly fees, no up-front costs & $40.00 to the rep for each
account signed. Here's the bad part: They only cover NSF checks.
Account Closed, Lost, Stolen, Forged, Refer to Maker, & Stop
Payment are not covered. The limits are only between $1,000 to $2,000
max, payments are made to the merchant in 60 days. The rep must sign
a 5 year contract & if the rep uses any other related service
during the term a $10,000 fine per breach is assessed! This is
obviously a collection firm calling themselves a guarantee company
& reps should be very careful to read before they sign such an
Send Letters to Paul Green at
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