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A Thing It's a Bird
It's a Bird!
It's a Plane!
It's Mr. Payroll!


Consumers are about to be rescued from long bank lines and ID hassles. Mr. Payroll has come to the rescue.

BANC ONE and Mr. Payroll, a subsidiary of Cash America International, have entered into a partnership to test check cashing machines in BANC ONE markets. The check cashing machines will be branded under BANC ONE's Rapid Cash machine program and will be installed in test locations in early 1998.

Mr. Payroll is the world's first self-service machine with services including check cashing and ATM transactions. It offers 24-hour check cashing at convenience stores, bank lobbies, grocery stores, discount retailers, and shopping malls. Established users with or without a bank account can cash all types of checks at any Mr. Payroll machine, without a driver's license.

Charles W. Held, Sales Manager for BANC ONE's Retail Distribution Group, said, "Our objective is to assist retailers on a national and regional level by significantly increasing the number of locations where consumers can access cash. We also want to test the idea of letting consumers cash any check at their convenience."

It's not a superhero but some consumers may view it that way.