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A Thing time
Time is Up


If you're like most people, the end of the day comes and you wonder where all the time went. You still have a list of things you did not accomplish and don't know exactly what took all your time.

Try this-make rigid time frames for certain activities, such as meetings. Don't plan a meeting that will start at 10AM without an ending time. Decide exactly how long you will meet and set definite goals of what you will accomplish. You'll more likely achieve your goals because you will know what they are and when they must be accomplished. And, you're co-workers and employees will be more efficient because they will have a clear picture of what is expected of them.

Set time limits for other tasks, too. If you have to make a decision, don't waste time hemming and hawing about what to do. Tell yourself you will have a decision in 10 minutes and whatever you decide in 10 minutes is what you will go with. Setting time frames and deadlines will help you meet your goals without having to invest extra time.


Good Selling!

Paul H. Green
