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A Thing E
Nothing Personal


Everyone knows you need a thick skin to make it in sales. While there are some "born sellers," not all of us are born with think skins. We want people to like us. We want people to want to be around us. We want people to approve of our actions.

So does that mean if we're sensitive we can't be successful sales professionals? Certainly not. If you weren't born with a thick skin there's still time to grow one! The key is to remember that when a prospect rejects your service or acts indifferently, they are reacting to your product, not you.

For example, if a prospect says "No," that isn't necessarily a reflection of your selling skill. You represent your product; you are not the product. The rejection is aimed at the service, not you. Keep in mind that the service isn't for everyone and move on.

Likewise, if a merchant seems like he or she really couldn't care less about your presentation, keep in mind that your presentation may be boring but that doesn't mean you're boring. Work on making your presentation more interesting and refine your presentation skills, but remember it is just a presentation, it is not you.

Don't let rejection bully you into procrastinating on calls or avoiding appointments. The best way to learn to deal with rejection is to face it head on and remember: it's nothing personal.
