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A Thing make sales easy
Make Sales Easy!

Quick! Name one thing you can do that will absolutely, positively, better your chances of closing a sale? You can make it easy for the prospect to say yes!

Remember, it is in your prospect's job description to make decisions like this. And, as we all know, everyone wants their job to be a bit easier. So, if you can make it simple for the prospect to sign with you versus someone else, you'll be ahead of the game.

Well how do you make it easy? You can:

Provide all the papers, brochures, and agreements necessary.

If you are up against someone who verbally quoted rates and you've typed up a document with the rates included, you will get the sale. Remember, your decision-maker probably needs to have something to show the boss. Your rates in black-and-white are a lot better than someone else's verbal numbers, even if they're lower.

Be Accessible.

Provide your prospect with your phone number, fax number, and mobile number. And don't forget e-mail! Also, schedule a time that's best to reach you. Better yet, make an appointment and you call him at a specific time.

Handle all the Details.

Don't leave any loose ends. If something needs to be clarified, confirmed, or double checked, you do it. If someone else needs to be consulted, you do the footwork.

Provide a scenario.

Give a vivid, detailed example of an exact instance when your service will be needed and how the prospect will be relieved that she chose to sign with you. Be sure to include how your service makes her job easier.

 It is your job to make the prospect's job easier. If two products are up against each other and one has hoops to jump through while the other is simple, you know who you would pick!
