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A Thing check
Check Fraud Fighters

In an effort to fight check fraud, (which has grown to $12 billion per year), US Check Company, Inc., and NeoMedia Technologies, Inc., have joined forces to create what they call the first fraud-proof, intelligent documents. The documents combine NeoMedia's SecureDocs™ technology with US Check's UV Smart®, a non-visible ink overlay technology for authentication and document image processing.


"The addition of NeoMedia Technologies' secure document technology and associated software provides an unparalleled opportunity to virtually eliminate check fraud as we know it," said Jonathan D. Greene, President and CEO of US Check.


The company plans to start using NeoMedia's software on all UV Smart enhanced documents manufactured by its licensees. NeoMedia's idocs™ technology allows printed documents to be read by readers, sorters, or scanners equipped with NeoMedia's software. Informational components are attached to the check as an encrypted portable data file which unlocks its information at the point of capture, acceptance, or encashment without having to refer to an external database for confirmation.


For more information call NeoMedia at (941) 337-3434 or US Check on the Web at