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A Thing global
Global Acquires ECS


Global Games Corp./Global Communications, Inc. has acquired Electronic Card Services, Inc. (ECS). Global Communications provides commercial Internet services, third party credit card processing, and Internet entertainment, while ECS provides electronic cash cards, primarily pre-paid phone cards dispensed by machine.

Through its affiliation with Global Communications, the cash card applications of ECS will be broadened to allow consumers to use the card for chat line, pre-paid cellular usage, and Internet access via 800 phone numbers. Global will also provide new high volume sites for the cards to be dispensed, as well as Internet marketing support. According to Telecard World Magazine, electronic cash card sales in 1997 will reach $2.2 million for pre-paid phone card usage alone, with growth to $4.3 billion by the year 2001.

For more information on Global call (612) 672-0834.