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A Thing The Eyes Have It
The Eyes Have It


This story from our "Future File" isn't Science Fiction. For those of you who feel that Big Bother is just a bit oppressive, you may not want to read on. But, for our readers who have trouble remembering:

* Your mother's maiden name,

* Your children's social security numbers,

* Your health plan ID number,

* Your driver's license number,

* The PIN for a cash advance on your Visa,

* Your ATM PIN,

* The password for your voice mail,

* The password for your Internet service,

then this will be welcome news to you. Sensar, Inc., is preparing to offer eye-scanning software to ATM manufacturers. That's right, you will no longer need a PIN or password for the ATM. Simply walk up to the machine and in less than two seconds, the ATM will verify your identity.

No, there aren't any laser beams injected in your eyes or harmful rays poisoning your body. The ATM takes a picture of your iris and blows up the image. It works well with contacts, glasses, or at night, and requires no special lighting.

The technology is said to be more accurate than other ID systems, even those that scan voices or fingerprints. That's because scientists have discovered 250 features unique to each person's iris; 210 more than a fingerprint. And, while fingerprints can be altered, the features in the iris remain constant from the age of 18 months. But, you may have to remove your Ray-Bans!