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A Thing Letters
Letters to the Editor

Dear Paul,

You put out one terrific newsletter. Itís the only publication in my whole life that I read cover to cover.


Lloyd Dorner

Dear Paul:

I really enjoy reading The Green Sheet each month. Our ad in The Green Sheet [Quarterly] has already created several business opportunities for us.

Sincerely yours,

Gordon Wisotzki

Resource Leasing Corporation

Dear Mr. Green:

An area credit card processor discussed with me ramifications of the April 1 rate increase planned by Visa and MasterCard.

I am unfamiliar with how merchant services operate, and this processor suggested I request from you a brief synopsis of the kinds of services they offer. After becoming a bit educated on the subject, I plan to continue my discussion with this person for a story in our April edition, which begins production next week.

Thank you for any assistance you can give me.

Peter Chapin,



Treasure Coast Business Journal



I am sending along a number of things for you, and hope that something here will assist you in your upcoming story in Treasure Coast Business Journal .


You must keep in mind that everything we write and publish is written for sales people selling financial services in the retail marketplace. This will generally mean that it is not what your readership is likely to want to read. Although a fair amount of bankcard introduction is included in The Green Sheet, we deal with a number of other financial service products and equipment, including how to pitch a particular sale.

As to the question of the upcoming bankcard price increase the following is clear on how we see this

change: Bankcard Interchange Increases for ë98. Please refer to issue 98:03:02, "Interchange Increases for ë98" and 97:12:01, "Knowledge is Power."

Please give us a call if we can be of any further help.

Good Selling!

Paul H. Green



I found this site with the key words "VeriFone Terminals" searching in Alta Vista on the Internet. <>

Is The Green Sheet publishing this web site? If so, does is not damage the relationships with ISOs you so commonly herald. If not, does the publisher have your permission to reprint this article. The article asks the reader to call the 800 number to NOVA/Costco for a price quote. In any event it seems to undermine the notion that The Green Sheet is a so called bankcard ISO industry friend.

For your information, I responded to an ad in your publication taken out by COMPANY X. I have established an ISO relationship with them. I was very disappointed in their non-creditability & convenient memory loss. In just two months they have consistently made promises and commitments that were nothing more than lies and misinformation. I have been in the bankcard business 5 years selling honest bankcard service with the same ISO. That criteria alone probably accounts for only about less than 1% on all bankcard reps in the industry.

I can truthfully, with recent experience, tell you that the staff at COMPANY X is totally out of control and has major communication problems within its own office. I also have a previous third party account experience that COMPANY X is much worse, though I canít imagine how. Ditto on COMPANY Y and its so called Bankcard Processing Service. I must ask you, are really interested in the Bankcard Industry at all or just in it for the advertising dollars and promoting your own publication? Do you check any references or sources prior to printing these great reviews of these bankcard companies? If the answer is yes, are they employees of those companies?

Sincerely Yours,

Greg Allison

1st National Bankcard Services




Yes, The Green Sheet does publish this Web site. It is also true that we have many differences between the paper version and the on-line version, and this article was intended to be one such difference. The story, which was noting the contact information so that ISOs could contact the companies and learn what they were up against, was not intended to be up on the on-line version. I have asked our ISP to get this story off the web, and I thank you for the information.

As to your comments on the two bankcard programs mentioned, The Green Sheet is clear in stating in each and every issue, that an advertisement is NOT an endorsement of the company that has placed an ad. Over and above this, however, I do choose to comment on programs that I know about and when I do, yes it is my opinion. While you may not share my opinion, and believe that you have had less success with a particular product than you believe you should, I find a majority of the feedback I receive to be positive.

I am sorry that you had a bad experience.

Good Selling!

Paul H. Green


Can you get FDCPA certified? If you can, where can you go?




Dear David,

I must assume from your brief question that you are asking if an ISO can be certified? The answer is no.

Good Selling!

Paul H. Green


Send Letters to The Green Sheet P.O. Box 6008, Petaluma, CA 94955-6608 or

