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A Thing Read All
Read All About It!


Do you read your daily newspaper? If you do, you probably read the front page, sports, and maybe, if you have time, the business section. But, do you actively read the paper with your residual check in mind? Try reading the paper as a business assignment.

  •  Read the new business announcements. What better place to find new prospects?

     Read the classifieds. Check to see who is hiring new management and watch for merchants who've declined you previously. Once the new manager is settled, you'll have a fresh slate with the new employee.

     Read the ads. Check to see who is having sales and when. If you can greet the merchant and talk about the big "Midnight Madness Sale" they just had, you'll show that you're truly interested in their business.

  • So, read all about it! You may find that your leads are right there, in black and white.

    Good Selling!

    Paul H. Green



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