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A Thing Letters To The Editor
Letters To The Editor


Dear Green Sheet,

I attempted to contact American National Bank at the number you advertised, however, the number had been disconnected. Are you aware of whether or not the bank is out of business?

Thanks for your help. C. Lloyd

Dear C. Lloyd,

American National Bank has recently moved and they are definitely still in business! 5501 N. Cumberland Ave., Chicago, IL 60656. Phone (888) 334-4262 Fax (888) 640-4262.

Dan Lewis is VP National Sales, Credit Card Division and can be reached at

We are currently updating the Resource Guide listing in print and on-line. Their new ads will have the correct information.

Good Selling!SM Paul H. Green Editor-in-Chief

Dear Sirs,

Being new to the ISO industry, and your organization, I have a simple question for you. Where would I find a listing of the country's largest bankcard processors? I hear references to banks claiming to be one of the biggest, but I would simply like to get the truth as to how the players rank.

Thanks for your help. Sincerely, Ron Jensen


This information is available from two sources. The Nilson Report for $745 a year or Faulkner & Gray, priced by report. Nilson's number is (805) 983-0448. F&G's number is (312) 913-1334. You should also watch for the November GSQ magazine which may have what you are looking for.

Paul H. Green

Dear Paul,

I am rather new to the Bankcard industry and happened to learn about your publication from our local Discover Card representative earlier this year. I subscribed to your publication and attended your seminar in San Francisco, which was time and money well invested. I always read The Green Sheet cover to cover and file them in notebooks for future reference.

The reason for this note today is to thank you and your excellent staff for the outstanding service that you all provide for this industry. I just finished reading your article "On Being Independent" in the back of issue 98:07:02. What an inspiration you are to all of us independent reps on the firing line! I love your publication and your staff is always, always, always top notch in answering my inquiries. I am looking forward to attending more of your workshops and seminars in the future. Keep up the excellent work and Good Selling!SM to everyone at The Green Sheet!!!

Your #1 Fan,

Randal DeHart Superior Bankcard Service Representative Seattle, Washington

Thanks Randal:

While I was just having some fun when I wrote "On Being Independent," you can tell that my heart is with the ISO. It may be a dirty job being an Independent Salesperson, but darn sure not just any one can do it!

Good Selling!

Paul H. Green

Mr. Green,

I am very new to the CC biz. I have made a lot of inquiries to various banks about their programs. One in particular you have recommended very highly: ANB. I have in hand their agreements. My question is this: They tell reps that this is a nonexclusive agreement and that you can go anywhere else and represent them. However the written agreements seem to state that it is an exclusive agreement and you cannot rep any other bank or ISO. Before I sign on the dotted line, I really need to get a certification on this ASAP. Wonder if you could give me your answer on this?


Dan Soardman


The deal was a non-exclusive the last time I looked. Of course, I am not the right person to ask. You should make your concerns known to Dan Lewis. {See above for contact info.}

Good Selling!
