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A Thing Inside This Issue
And in This Corner--


Earlier in this issue, we told you of the Justice Department's antitrust lawsuit against Visa International and MasterCard International. It's not just our Federal government who believes the credit card giants are in the wrong, federal and private groups have also jumped into the ring against Visa and MasterCard.

The Ohio attorney general's office has filed "friend of the court" briefs in favor of the Justice Department, and 13 other states have helped out in the investigation as well. Additionally, the Public Interest Research Group (PIRG) in Ohio has voiced their opinion of the suit. PIRG spokeswoman Amy Glassman said, "Banks sit on the boards of both Visa and MasterCard and to argue that these two companies compete with each other is a joke that has been played on the customers for years."

We'll see who's left standing at the bell!
