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A Thing Inside This Issue
Risk Scoring on DL Numbers


The Federal Court of Appeals recently ruled that Congress does not have the authority to prohibit state motor vehicle departments from disclosing the personal information contained in individual driverís records.

In a split decision released September 3, 1998, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a lower court ruling in Condon v Reno (No. 97-2554, 4th Cir.) that found the federal Driverís Privacy Protection Act (DPPA) to be unconstitutional.

The Fourth circuit said Congress had exceeded its authority to enact legislation under the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution when it enacted the DPPA2.

2. The federal DPPA (Public Law 103-332) prohibits what type of personal information found in state motor vehicle records can be released and how the information may be used. Have you seen the new movie Enemy of the State?
