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A Thing Inside This Issue
"NO" as a Way of Life


Objections are a way of life for a sales professional. You may have days where you feel objections are barriers to increased sales and profits, but objections can be our best sales tools. Think about it: the voiced objection tells us what we need to overcome, it is similar to a "cliff's notes" for selling. If we know exactly what the objection is (too expensive, too much work), we know what we need to disprove.

A good friend of mine and someone who has been in our business a very long time calls it being an XYC salesperson. Explaining the X (product/service), gets you the (Y) (questions), and answering these questions will earn you the C (Commission).

So, now that we know objections can serve as guidelines, let's work on using them to get the sale. Here's how:

PREPARE responses to common objections before you meet with any prospects.

ANTICIPATE the objection.

When the objection is raised, ESTABLISH if is it the true objection or a stall tactic.

DETERMINE if this is the only objection.

REPEAT the objection to be certain you understand it

ELIMINATE the objection

COMPLETE the service agreement and close the sale.

Objections are the best way to discover exactly how your prospect feels and what her concerns are. These are also the best ways to determine how to present your product or service to get the sale.
