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A Thing An Emerging Market
An Emerging Market


According to a recent study of high-volume billers, about 25 percent are currently implementing e-bill solutions on the Internet, and another 30% plan to do so in 1999. According to Ken Kerr of The Gartner Group, the company that conducted the study, "Presenting bills on the Internet is moving beyond the early adoption phase. E-bill planners for 1999 are responding to growing consumer demand, but they are also acting to match the e-bill offerings of their competitors."

The study found that high-volume billers expect the volume of electronic payments received in 2003 to more than double their current electronic volumes, which vary considerably by industry from a high of 29% for insurance companies to just 5% for the combined cable/telephone industry. Avivah Litan, Research Director at Gartnerís Financial predicts, "Some 40% of all bills generated in the U.S. will be Internet-enabled in 2000."

The Gartner Group queried billers in the insurance, utility, cable/telephone, and credit card industries that have more than 250,000 recurring bills. Their analysis covered billersí current and planned efforts regarding electronic presentment and payments, drivers for adoption, marketing initiatives, biller use and evaluation, billersí perspective on consumer acceptance, and the role of banks and governments in the EBPP process. For additional information call (919) 384-1500 ext. 223, or ext. 225.

