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A Thing A Marketing Idea
A Marketing Idea


If you want a neat little idea, consider providing free of charge, or perhaps subsidized by yourself or even offered at cost, a solution to handling credit problems for those in Building Supply and related businesses. Today there are more than 36,895 businesses in this standard industry classification, and another 18,000 related businesses.


We have become aware of a 38-page book called Credit Management Cures by Lloyd W. Eichorn, one of the nation990501's most knowledgeable Certified Credit Executives, which provides great advice and even some standard forms and language to help this business type through their credit problems.

Imagine being a real problem solver; bringing ideas, financial solutions, and even providing your help in finding great financial advice. These are the things that help to turn sales professionals into problem solvers.

Credit Management Cures, can be purchased through Aberdeen Bookstore, in Addison, Illinois. Call (800) 323-3550, e-mail them at or go online at

