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A Thing SmartRec a Patientís Best Friend
SmartRec a Patient's Best Friend?


No, that's not a proctologist joke. But the product is in that field. The product is SmartRec, a portable patient information solution. DataCard has come up with a way to speed the patient check in procedure at health care facilities by allowing patients to digitize their medical information and carry it with them.

SmartRec, which has been successfully piloted over the past year, is the first healthcare product to feature the new Microsoft Smart Card for Windows operating system.

SmartRec allows patients to carry important clinical information with them. Vital information is loaded onto a personalized smart card during an initial enrollment process and updated after each utilization. Clinicians can access this patient-specific information at the point of care, which means that patients don't have to fill out the lengthy forms each time they visit a new doctor or health care facility.

For more information visit Datacard's Web site s at

