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WSAA conference draws key speakers, sponsors, exhibitors

Tuesday, September 06, 2011 — 11:49:38 (EDT)

San Francisco, Sept. 6, 2011 -- 2011 WSAA Conference to award over $7500 worth of prizes, including ongoing cash giveaways throughout the show, Big Screen HDTV, iPads, Kindles and a Grand Prize of $3500 Cash.

The Western States Acquirers Association (WSAA) today announced its keynote speaker, award prizes and session topics for its 8th Annual Western Show conference in September. WSAA is expecting more than 600 attendees and 75+ exhibitor companies to fill the floors of the exhibit hall and conference session venues and sell out the San Francisco Airport Hyatt Regency for the 8th annual WSAA conference on September 21-22 in Burlingame, California.

"For agents, ISOs and vendors alike, the Western Show has become a 'must attend' event. It offers the opportunity to conduct business, network with colleagues and hear the latest about crucial issues in our industry," said Steve Eazell, president of WSAA, adding "it is such an honor to be part of such a monumental event and to be back in San Francisco is extremely special to all of us here on the board of the WSAA."

The keynote speaker will be Scott Stratten, the President of Un-Marketing.com., who is a world renowned expert in viral, social, and digital marketing. He will speak on how ISOs and payment professionals can generate more income by means of the latest social media and advertising techniques. Stratten's marketing agency serves companies such as PepsiCo, Adobe and Fidelity Investments, which have sought him out to develop and implement viral, social and relationship marketing strategies.

General and break-out session topics and speakers at the Western Show have been finalized and include the following:

  • Operating Your ISO in Today’s Marketplace: features Ken Musante (Eureka Payments), Harold Montgomery (Calpian), Greg Cohen (Moneris)

  • Mobile Payments -- Fad or Future: features Tony Abruzzio (Isis), Tim McWeeney (Verifone), Dave Wentker (Visa, Inc.)

  • State of the Industry Update: features Donna Embry (Payment Alliance International)

  • 6 Ways to Grow Your Business with Social Media: features Kevin Jones (SignaPay), Peggy Olson (Strategic Marketing), Jason Putnam (First American Payment Systems)

  • Plus other sessions of extreme importance

The conference registration fee of $75.00 also includes admission to the renowned half-day Field Guide for ISOs Seminar, which is held before the conference's Opening Reception and evening celebrations on Wednesday, September 21. The workshop will cover subjects ranging from recruiting and sales training to international acquiring opportunities and ISO portfolio investment management.

WSAA also announced that many exhibitors have signed on as conference sponsors to keep the registration fee and other costs for participants very low. The Gold Sponsor of this year's conference is retailcloud. Silver Sponsors include American Express, Chargeback Guardian, EMS, iPayment, Planet Payment, SecurityMetrics, Trustwave and TSYS.

As part of the many events taking place at the show, two premier sponsors will be hosting an offsite, fun-filled soiree on Wednesday night, September 21, at one of Burlingame's finest establishments. The next evening, Thursday, September 22, one of the sponsors will be hosting transportation to downtown San Francisco’s Fisherman’s Wharf and Union Square for an evening of excitement and merriment.

Attendees still have time to sign up for the Annual Conference by visiting the WSAA website (www.westernstatesacquirers.com ), which was enhanced last year to facilitate online registration in a quick and easy-to-use manner.

About Western States Acquirers Association

The Western States Acquirers Association (www.westernstatesacquirers.com ) is a not-for-profit, non membership organization dedicated to creating an independent forum explicitly designed for the purpose of educating, networking and helping to create an environment of solidarity within the merchant bankcard acquiring field. It is completely self-governing and staffed by volunteers dedicated to accomplishing these goals. We fund each of our events solely on the revenue generated through Vendor and Exhibitor sponsorship and minimal Attendee registration fees.

Vendors/Exhibitors are identified as those organizations or individuals that primarily sell to the Acquiring Industry.

Attendees are defined as Financial Institutions, Independent Sales Organizations, or Individuals that primarily sell acquiring related services directly to the Retail Industry. WSAA is open to all who want to attend these Seminars.

The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information: bankcardlife.com?orid=33533&opid=1 .

Source: Company press release. end of article

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