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Trusted Connectivity Alliance Re-Elects Chair and Targets Increased eSIM Interoperability across the IoT

Thursday, September 26, 2024 — 16:16:37 (EDT)

26th SEPTEMBER 2024 – Bertrand Moussel (Valid) has been re-elected as Chair of the Trusted Connectivity Alliance. Cyril Caillaud (NXP Semiconductors) has also been re-elected to the rotating Board seat, joining Benoît Collier (IDEMIA), Claus Dietze (Giesecke+Devrient), Guido Abate (ST) and Oyvind Rastad (Thales) to complete the Board for 2024/25, as the organisation focuses on driving eSIM interoperability amid growing global momentum for the technology.

TCA’s latest market data showed that consumer adoption of eSIM technology grew rapidly in 2023, with consumer eSIM profile downloads increasing 109% year-on-year. Future growth is expected to be boosted by the launch of eSIM-only smartphones across more regions, broader availability of eSIM-enabled devices, and rebounding levels of international travel.

Global standardisation efforts such as GSMA’s eSIM IoT Specifications (SGP.32) are also set to increase eSIM adoption. By introducing dedicated features to meet specific IoT requirements, the specifications enable constrained IoT devices to be remotely provisioned and managed at massive scale. This creates significant opportunities for stakeholders across the secure connectivity ecosystem to leverage eSIM technology across established and emerging IoT verticals.

“The sustained growth of the eSIM ecosystem is testament to an industry-wide commitment to promoting trust, consistency and simplicity,” comments Moussel. “The release of SGP.32 is the latest example of this collaboration and marks a significant milestone, promising to accelerate the adoption of eSIM technology across the globe.”

Moussel continues: “As the first SGP.32-compliant solutions start to be introduced into the marketplace, TCA is committed to ensuring deployments are underpinned by a strong foundation of interoperability and security. This will require continued engagement across the industry to support the ongoing development and enhancement of enabling specifications and testing processes.”

To promote industry understanding as adoption builds, TCA has published a dedicated white paper – Realising the Benefits of SGP.32 – which explores the drivers, implications and applications of the new specification.

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Source: Company press release. end of article

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