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ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                 constraints associated with unpaid leave. Beginning in
                                                              January, the policy includes 12 weeks of paid leave for
 Appetize secures growth capital                              primary caregivers, and two weeks of paid leave for sec-
                                                              ondary caregivers.
  Multi-location POS platform Appetize raised over $20
  million in funding to expand its team in Los Angeles,       PayJunction honored by Glassdoor
  New York and Atlanta. The round was led by Los
  Angeles-based private equity fund Shamrock Capital          PayJunction was named among Glassdoor Inc.'s list of
  Advisors. Tim Leiweke and Irving Azoff's Oak View           The Best Places to Work in 2017. Glassdoor lists over
  Group participated in the round, along with follow-on       540,000 businesses, publishing a Best Places to Work in
  capital from several current investors. Shamrock Partners   2017 list for large businesses. The rankings reflect how
  Andy Howard and Alan Resnikoff join Appetize's board        employees, former and current, rate their experiences
  and Tim Leiweke joins as a board observer.                  working for an employer. PayJunction has a Glassdoor
                                                              rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars. Additionally, 93 percent of
 CrossCheck honors Siembieda, Harris                          reviewers said they would recommend PayJunction to a
                                                              friend and 100 percent approved of its CEO.
  CrossCheck Inc. recognized President and Chief
  Executive Officer J. David Siembieda and Senior Vice        Payscout expands global footprint
  President Mike Harris, respectively, in honor of their
  25 years of service with the company. The company's         Payscout Inc. plans to open a European office location
  statement acknowledged how the two men have been an         in Malta. The news followed the company's preliminary
  inspiration to others and reflected on the stories of each  EU Payment Institution license approval that will allow
  executive and how they rose through the ranks, took on      the company to function as a Payment Facilitator in the
  expanded responsibilities and guided the firm into the      European Union. "We are excited to have obtained pre-
  21st century.                                               liminary approval, which will enable Payscout to con-
                                                              tinue its global expansion, and help emerging business
 Delve Labs acquires seed funding                             owners achieve the entrepreneurial dream one transac-
                                                              tion at a time," said Payscout CEO Cleveland Brown.
  Delve Labs raised $1.5 million in seed funding from Real
  Ventures, Desjardins Innovatech and Fonds Quebecor          SmartBlue launches Tipatuity
  Innovation. The investment is slated to accelerate the
  company's growth and support its vision for redefin-        Dallas startup SmartBlue Technologies Inc. recently
  ing the way large organizations protect their informa-      unveiled Tipatuity, a social tipping app that accom-
  tion technology networks using state-of-the-art artificial  modates tip transfers through Dwolla Inc.'s payment
  intelligence methods. This round marks $1.8 million in      platform. "Our goal is to empower service professionals
  total funds raised by Delve Labs to date.                   with the tools they need to make the money they deserve
                                                              and to bring more of the in-store tip jars online," said
 EverCompliant completes Series A round                       Shehadi Dayekh, founder of SmartBlue. "Tippers on the
                                                              other hand will find tipping easy to track and expense
  Cyber-intelligence firm EverCompliant, which special-       especially on business travel."
  izes in transaction laundering detection and preven-
  tion, completed $9.5 million in Series A funding led by     TCF Bank supports Make-A-Wish
  Arbor Ventures, including existing investors Carmel
  Ventures, Star Farm Ventures and Nyca Partners. With        TCF National Bank raised over $50,000 for Make-A-Wish
  this investment, Melissa Guzy, Managing Partner at          Minnesota through donations accepted at all TCF Bank
  Arbor Ventures, joined the EverCompliant board. The         branches in Minnesota, as well as funds collected during
  funds will be used to fuel the company's continued          team member fundraising events. The bank also his-
  growth, including the opening of an office in Asia in       torically invites Make-A-Wish children to be TCF Bank
  2017, an additional expansion in the U.S. and European      Kickoff Kids honorees at University of Minnesota foot-
  markets, and growth of its research and development         ball games at TCF Bank Stadium. "We hope our fundrais-
  operations.                                                 ing efforts help to provide experiences for children and
                                                              families that last a lifetime," said Kent Engler, Director of
 First Data launches new workplace policy                     Retail Banking at TCF Bank.

  First Data Corp. unveiled a new workplace policy pro-       24 finalists head Fintech Finals 2017
  viding fully-paid parental leave to both full-time and
  part-time employees who qualify based on tenure. The        Next Money revealed the 24 international startup com-
  initiative is designed to provide new parents, regardless   pany finalists who will compete in the Fintech Finals
  of gender, with the critical time needed to care for their  2017 being held in Hong Kong during January. Each
  newborn or newly adopted child without the financial        startup will have five minutes to pitch their business in
                                                              front of industry judges and a live audience. The final
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