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                                        Let new ideas flow

                  rainstorming. When was the last time you       establishes and maintains a positive direction, set goals
                  gathered with a group of colleagues and asked   for clarity, and establish a time limit to keep the meeting
                  them to spontaneously offer ideas for invigo-  short and vibrant. According to Design Shack, goals
        B rating your sales outreach? Or when did you            should be specific and attainable rather than vague and
        last mull over ideas solo in an effort to solve a problem   overarching; for example, establishing the best website
        with your customer service operations? Brainstorming,    ever is too broad, but coming up with 10 possible ways
        done with a group or solo, is a terrific business tool. How   to  improve  a  home  page's  user  interface  is  specific  and
        often do you make use of it?                             doable.

        In  Good Selling! : The Basics, Paul H. Green endorsed   Mind Tools,, stated that several studies
        brainstorming, stating, "Stimulate sales by jumpstarting   found that individual brainstorming "produces more
        your creative thinking process. Think of new and different   – and often better – ideas than group brainstorming"
        ways to solve old problems without worrying about how    because "groups aren't always strict in following the rules
        practical they are for the moment. Write them down, no   of brainstorming, and bad behaviors creep in." Also people
        matter how silly they may seem. Later, expand each idea   can become so absorbed and influenced by others in the
        into several more. When this process is complete, you can   group that by the time it's their turn to speak, they've lost
        switch to practical thinking to edit and reformulate the   track of their own ideas.
                                                                 Encourage creativity
        Stay positive
                                                                 Some  suggested  alternatives  for  productive  group
        Green also advised avoiding negative thinking patterns   brainstorming are to create a document in the cloud and
        that dismiss ideas outright or lead directly to worst-   invite people to share their ideas there; have attendees at
        case  scenarios.  "Allow  your  mind  to  indulge  a  little  in   meetings write down their ideas before voicing them; or
        the answers that emerge. You may discover some new       go around the group systematically, giving each attendee
        strategies for dealing with challenges you face every day.   a chance to speak without interruption. The latter may,
        Share your discoveries with your co-workers. New ideas   however, inhibit spontaneity, but it can help draw out
        are often springboards to creativity."                   shyer members of the group.

        A new environment can enhance brainstorming. Rather      Brainstorming about potential obstacles within the
        than meeting with your team in the office, try gathering   industry is one of the keys to success in payments,
        in a coffee shop, a park if the weather's mild, or perhaps a   according to Green. "Stay abreast of potential changes, and
        colleague's home.                                        formulate plans ahead of time," he wrote. "Often, being
                                                                 the first one with a solution means getting the account."
        Set parameters

        Design Shack,, offered several
        additional hints for successful brainstorming. Among
        them were to have a moderator to ensure the discussion
                                                                                   Kate Gillespie, President and CEO

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