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Letter from the editor

                                hile payments and fintech
                                insiders have long been         Empowering  & Connecting
                                familiar with blockchain,
                   W cryptocurrency and the
        potential role of crytopayments, it has only been                                    today’s
        recently that the broader public has become aware of
        and, in some segments of the population, eager to use                             payments
        cryptocurrency as a payments vehicle. This issue's
        lead article, the first in a two-part series, provides an                      professionals
        overview of blockchain technology, cryptocurrency
        and crypto payments. In our second February issue,
        we'll delve further into the role of cryptopayments.

        Merchants are asking about cyrptopayments, too.
        One reader, after a merchant inquired about bitcoin
        acceptance, asked what the benefits to bitcoin really
        are. Our response, which appears in this issue's Read-
        er Speak, lists five potential advantages.

        Another hot phenomenon these days is buy now, pay
        later (BNPL), a topic delved into by one contribut-
        ing author, who explains what's behind the CFPB's
        order to five companies offering BNPL to collect in-
        formation about the risks and benefits of BNPL loan
        programs. Other areas explored by industry experts
        include how to gain maximum benefit from the Pay-
        check Protection Program and Employee Retention              • Spotlight Innovator
        Tax Credit; what made January 2022 a transformative            Web Pages: Capture prospects with
        month in payments; why it's essential to look inward           branded, customized web pages for
        and take care of yourself to maintain sales results;
        regulations on the horizon for the merchant cash ad-           innovators and leaders.
        vance industry; and the revenue-enhancing role of            • Video Content Marketing: Educate
        the often overlooked and undervalued customer suc-
        cess team.                                                     and impress with animation and
                                                                       white-board explainer videos.
        News Briefs highlights a selection of stories posted
        under Breaking News on our home page. These in-              • Resource Guide: Grab attention with
        clude the ETA's 2022 legislative and regulatory policy         advanced mini ads in print and
        priorities, which share insights on industrywide ef-           online.
        forts to make payments safe, secure and financially
        inclusive; amendments to the CARES Act devised to            • Targeted Email Campaigns: Reach
        help small and midsize businesses survive post-pan-             responsive professionals who know
        demic challenges; Equifax's decision to use BNPL in
        credit scoring, making it the first main credit bureau         and trust The Green Sheet.
        in the United States to do so; and U.S. retailers, em-
        boldened by Amazon's recent threat to pull the plug            Rick Aston
        on Visa cards issued in the United Kingdom, seeking
        congressional action to bring down interchange fees.                 Senior Media Partnership Specialist

        Completing this issue are company and new product                  Rick
        profiles, along with updates on industry awards and
        recognition; new markets opened; research on such ar-
        eas as gift card sales and ADT deployment; new part-                707-284-1693
        nerships in accounts payable, gift cards and rewards
        programs; and recent acquisitions and appointments
        of note. We look forward to receiving your comments
        and questions at and your
        news at
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