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December 25, 2023  •  Issue 23:12:02

                          2023 was a happening year

        By Patti Murphy                                        FedNow is a real game-changer, said Tede Forman, presi-
                                                               dent of payment solutions at  Jack Henry & Associates.
                     hen The Green Sheet debuted 40 years ago, it  "Over the next three to five years you're going to see a lot of
                     wasn't a magazine. It was a newsletter. Paul  displacement of other types of payments," he said.
                     H. Green, the original owner and publisher,
        W and  the  man  for  whom the  publication  is  Research shows consumers and small businesses are ea-
        named, positioned The Green Sheet as a source of education  ger to have access to real-time payments. A Fed survey, for
        and news for reps selling merchant services. At the time,  example, found three-quarters of micro-businesses and 60
        merchant services didn't involve much more than selling  percent, or more, of larger merchants expect real-time pay-
        credit card acceptance and leasing terminals.          ments to help them better manage cash and working capi-
        The industry has come a long way in those 40 years. Credit
        card acceptance is just part of the merchant services busi-  Some experts caution that instant payments will make dis-
        ness,  and  terminal  leases  are  rare.  So  what  happened  in  putes and fraud prevention more challenging to manage.
        2023? Here are some highlights.                        "Because these payments happen almost instantly, con-
                                                               sumers and merchants have less time to address disputes
        Real-time payments go live                             or recognize fraudulent transactions," Dr. Jack T. Baldwin,
        Payments got faster this year—a lot faster with the official   chairman and CEO of BHMI, a software solutions provider,
        launch of FedNow, a real-time payment system launched by   wrote in "Managing disputes for real-time payments," pub-
        the Federal Reserve in July. Although The Clearing House's   lished in July 24, 2023, issue of this magazine.
        real-time payments network (known as RTP) predates Fed-
        Now by several years, the Fed's move into real-time pay-
        ments was a pivotal development.
                                                                 Contributed articles inside by:
        That's because every federally insured financial institution   Nick Cuuci................................................................................................30
        can access FedNow to move payments instantly, 24/7/365.
        In the past, the Fed's payments clearing and settlement   Mark Van Horn .......................................................................................33
        mechanism was limited to about 10 hours a day, and it was
        shuttered for federal holidays and on weekends.          Allen Kopelman .....................................................................................34

                                                                                      Continued on page 26
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