A Thing
The Green SheetGreen Sheet

The Green Sheet Online Edition

December 09, 2013 • Issue 13:12:01


Give yourself the gift of holiday skills

The holiday season is the busiest time of year for most folks. Buying presents, attending social engagements and traveling are activities that clamor for attention and care. To get through the holidays (and hopefully enjoy the season) requires efficiency and organization.

But what would happen if those well-honed holiday coping skills were applied into the new year and beyond? What follows are examples of how a heightened sense of holiday discipline and prioritization can translate into better sales performance year round.

  1. Present prioritization

    You don't take the same time and care in picking out a present for an anonymous gift exchange at the office as you do when selecting a present for a loved one. You are probably ruthless when prioritizing holiday shopping. You make hierarchies of who is most important and spend the most time (and money) getting just the right presents for significant others and close family members. You spend significantly less time and money on gifts for those who are not as central to your life.

    Translation: In your professional life, please your boss first and don't care so much if you fail to respond to, say, an "urgent" email about the new softball sign-up sheet.

  2. Party hardly

    In the corporate world, workers often attend holiday parties and other year-end get-togethers with their colleagues. For those who aren't careful, the "holiday spirit" may include the imbibing of copious amounts of alcohol or other activities that could lead to embarrassment in front of co-workers and clients. To be on the safe side, you remember how much alcohol you can ingest before it affects your thinking and behavior, and you leave the party gracefully before you are tempted to over-imbibe. Translation: Know your limits as sales agents and what you can legitimately offer merchants without crossing the line into misrepresentation or outright deceit.

  3. Limit lavishness

    You might want to lavish your sweetheart with a new car or a gorgeous piece of jewelry. But you have budgeted a certain amount to avoid racking up credit card debt. So, instead of the lavish present, you consider your loved one's unique interests and desires and pick something affordable that will bring that person joy.

    Translation: It is not necessary to have the most expensive of anything in the business world. From office furniture to office space to suitable business attire, a little discipline can go a long way to saving money, while still getting the job done just fine.

  4. Promise perfectly

    It looks bad if you promise to attend a holiday party or dinner and then cancel at the last minute. So you weigh your invitations and consult partners as to their schedules and preferences before you make definite plans.

Translation: Don't rush into anything when you conduct business. Make sure to take the time and effort to make the right decisions when it comes to entering partnerships and offering products.

If the holidays are meant to be instructive, take what is learned during this special time to bring good tidings to every day of the year ahead. end of article

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