As we prepare this issue for production, several members of The Green Sheet team are returning from an inspiring week of meeting with payments industry leaders, attending presentations, and walking the exhibit floor at the 2015 Money 20/20 show and the Western States Acquirers annual conference, both of which were held in Las Vegas during the week of Oct. 26 to 30, 2015. In our next issue, we'll be sure to share news and insights from those events.
In the meantime, the lead article in this issue delves into how merchants can plan for the coming year while also ramping up for the year-end holiday season. Employing automation to increase efficiency is one method retailers have found to relieve pressure on profit margins and address the needs of today's consumers, who are using more channels for shopping than ever before. Automated systems can help merchants track sales, adjust pricing, replenish inventory, monitor and prevent chargebacks, and more.
Also, concluding the discussion begun in our Oct. 26 issue, members of The Green Sheet Advisory Board share their experiences and thoughts pertaining to the EMV transition to date. Other features include a look at the impact of the proliferating devices and authentication methods in the mobile payments sphere, obstacles impinging on mobile payments adoption, how online shoppers navigate the web from landing page to completed transaction, and the continued growth of mobile deposits.
Contributing writers have touched upon a diversity of issues of concern to payment pros, for example, why landing a large merchant account doesn't automatically translate to a larger portfolio valuation, the ins and outs of networking, how to evaluate your performance on the job, legal issues that can arise while attending tradeshows, and why a traditional sales approach is ineffective in today's business climate.
Along with the updates we publish about payment business milestones, awards, new partnerships, acquisitions, research and appointments, the news in this issue covers recent, significant initial public offerings among payment companies; new specifications for near field communication adoption; mounting losses from cyber-attacks; and a tribute to industry leader Michael Grossman, who passed away Oct. 22, and was a dear friend and colleague to many.
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The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information.
Notice to readers: These are archived articles. Contact names or information may be out of date. We regret any inconvenience.
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