Product: RevChip
Company: TranSend
TranSend, a payments industry software and services provider headquartered in Mt. Laurel, N.J., developed RevChip, a comprehensive Europay, MasterCard and Visa (EMV) solution. Designed by software developers with deep experience in the U.S. market, RevChip is built to boost transaction speed at the POS by eliminating redundancies in the software and restoring needed functions commonly found in U.S. retail and hospitality applications.
"Imported EMV applications are frequently designed by developers who are unfamiliar with U.S. transaction flows," said Terrence Crowley, Chief Executive Officer at TranSend. "As a result, many features that merchants rely on, such as tip adjustments, bar tab and multimerchant retail capabilities are missing in their EMV applications."
Most available EMV POS software applications do not accommodate customary tip-adjustment functionality, in which patrons add gratuities to transaction amounts after payments are authorized. Standard procedure in other regions of the EMV-accepting world is to complete restaurant payment transactions at the table in one step, including a tip with the final payment.
RevChip restores the two-step tip process for U.S. restaurateurs and these common American practices:
The RevChip application removes sensitive cardholder data from POS systems, reducing EMV certifications for Value-Added Resellers (VARs), Integrated Software Vendors (ISVs) and merchant customers. It also delivers essential feature sets to provide U.S. merchants with the functionality needed to manage their businesses.
Additionally, RevChip meets all EMV Level 3 payment application requirements, for example, it: removes POS systems from the scope of the Payment Card Industry Payment Application Data Security Standard; connects to multiple processors and gateways directly from the acceptance device without middleware or a transaction fee; supports the U.S. Common Debit AID enabling the full benefits of the "Durbin Amendment"; supports chip and PIN, chip and signature, Apple Pay, Android Pay and Samsung Pay.
It also provides acquirers with direct device monitoring of terminals and PIN pads without dependency on merchant systems or middleware; supports automatic updates, so there is no manual intervention when software updates, parameters modifications or security key changes need to be made; includes audit logs to track EMV parameter and EMV kernel histories; provides an SDK with XML application programming interfaces, which allows developers to integrate directly to a payment terminal or PIN pad within hours.
The RevChip application has been certified on the Total System Services Inc. platform, is compatible with Ingenico and Verifone devices, and resides deep inside a POS device. Following are RevChip configuration options: Semi-integrated: In a semi-integrated implementation, a OS system is securely connected to RevChip running inside a PIN pad evice. No middleware layer, cabling or extra hardware is required. Using a web services interface, the POS system and RevChip exchange messages containing only nonsensitive data. RevChip handles the EMV transaction; the POS system never sees card data.
Fully integrated: Software developers can connect RevChip to embedded hardware using the RevChip SDK. The comprehensive kit contains a complete library of APIs, documentation, reference code and simulation tools. Additionally, a dedicated portal will enable developers to fully integrate and test the interface while a physical test device is shipped to them.
TranSend also noted that RevChip is simple to install and designed to remove the operational complexities of EMV. Onboard help screens reduce the need for support calls. RevChip is configured to be compatible with a range of terminal manufacturers and payment processors, to provide acquirers and their sales channel partners with optimal vendor flexibility.
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