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The Green SheetGreen Sheet

The Green Sheet Online Edition

April 08, 2019 • Issue 19:04:01


Easing your way to tradeshows

The wealth of tradeshows the payments industry offers means we have plenty of opportunities to become informed about the latest developments in payments, hear from the industry's leading innovators, connect with peers, discover new products, and find new business opportunities. For those benefits, many of us travel – sometimes thousands of miles – several times a year.

The logistics of air travel, in particular, can be vexing. The aggravations associated with airline travel can test the resolve and dampen the enthusiasm of even the hardiest ISO or merchant level salesperson (MLS).

Air travel headaches

Common complaints include mishandled baggage, cancelled and delayed flights, overbooking, difficulty making reservations, congestion, cramped seating, and rude or unhelpful customer service representatives. Business travel is demanding enough without these added stressors.

Excessive stress can cause professionals to become irritated and distracted before even reaching their destinations. Sometimes a traveler can rest and regroup briefly before the show's opening. Other times, especially for those responsible for setting up and manning booths, this isn't an option.

Tips for happy air travel

So, how do you evade the obstacle course that has become air travel? Here are some ways to avoid the downside of commercial aviation.

  • Leave early in the day, and get on the first available flight, preferably on a plane that spent the night at the airport from which you are departing. The main factor causing delays is not your destination; its the location the aircraft assigned to your flight is originating from.
  • Sign up for text or e-mail alerts. Most airlines offer this service, as do several online travel websites. Also, check your flight's status via your airline's website before you leave for the airport.
  • Sign up for T.S.A. PreCheck, which will get you into an expedited lane for security check. Also, double check in advance to make sure your clothing and everything you plan to bring aboard conform to current requirements. Current details are provided by the Transportation Security Administration at www.tsa.gov/travel/security-screening.
  • If you can't book a nonstop flight, allow extra time for your layover. Some airlines leave only an hour between connecting flights. Pick flights with at least twice that amount of time for your connections, and you'll eliminate a major source of anxiety.
  • If your trip will be only a few days, select and organize your wardrobe to fit into a carry-on bag to eliminate hassles associated with checking and claiming baggage. If your stay will be longer and you need more than a carry-on will hold, consider shipping your bags to your destination ahead of time.
  • Remember to pack your earbuds, and load your phone or tablet with your favorite playlists, meditation tracks and other uplifting content to increase the odds you'll have an enjoyable trip. Consider bringing aboard a compact travel pillow, so you can nap, too.
  • Take the train on short routes, such as Los Angeles to San Diego or New York to Boston. You might reach your destination faster and arrive feeling more relaxed.

Reaching your destination in a disgruntled state won't enhance your chances of attaining your goals for the trip. Plan your transportation wisely, and you'll not only breathe easier, you'll also be more productive, too. end of article

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