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The Green SheetGreen Sheet

The Green Sheet Online Edition

July 22, 2019 • Issue 19:07:02

Letter from the editors

An uplifting aspect of the payments industry is that its dynamic, ever-evolving nature means that, while electronic payment processing has become a long-established commodity, opportunities continue to present themselves for those keeping an eye out for new ways to build their businesses. New technologies make it possible to offer comprehensive business services to small and midsize merchants that were the stuff of dreams not long ago, and ingenuity on the part of professionals in all sectors of the industry continually creates additional avenues for growth.

In this issue's lead article, we delve into three opportunities ripe for exploration: installment lending at the POS, subscription services and CBD sales. Changing consumer preferences, the ability to find new uses for traditional services, changing government priorities and plain old persistence all are playing a role in making each of these more promising than you might think at first glance.

Of course, to take advantage of new opportunities, your business needs to be on solid footing. Our contributing writers tackle subjects that will be of immediate help with that: negotiating contracts with ISOs and processors for merchant level salespeople, as well as succession planning for ISO and MLSs. Other experts featured herein address threats to a secure checkout experience; the expected widespread adoption of contactless payments; how to create a hospitable, smart POS environment; and tips for a smooth transition from vacation back to work.

In addition to our customary new product and company profiles, as well as updates on awards, industry research, new ventures, partnerships, acquisitions and key appointments, we've included briefs highlighting several full news stories we've posted online. Among other breaking news, we've covered: a U.S. District Court finding in favor of Infinity Capital, d/b/a Choice and against Electronic Merchant Services, which means Choice will regain residual benefits after a costly court battle; a renaissance in installment lending fueled in part by consumer pushback over the high cost of purchasing with credit cards; a call from the Retail Industry Leaders Association for Congress to take a new look at anti-trust laws, given the power of Amazon, Facebook and Google; and Aite Group's recognition of several payments innovators.

Whenever you have news to share concerning your corner of payments or the industry overall, please send a press release to press@greensheet.com. And remember to send your feedback about our magazine, as well as our website (which is undergoing a revamp) to greensheet@greensheet.com. end of article

The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information.

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