We received the following in response to GS CEO Kate Gillespie's Inspiration piece "Recovering from a double cross," published in The Green Sheet on Sept. 21, 2021, issue 21:09:02:
"Wow, was your article in GS timely! I read what you wrote and took very careful notes. You see, I just went through this in the last 60 days. Someone I had a close working relationship with for more than 15 years turned on me, blew up a deal and then refused to pay me for my work. It seemed to come out of nowhere. I got the blame for something I didn’t do.
"I realize in hindsight that I made one major mistake. I had worked with this person so long, I trusted them to make good on a verbal promise. We should have spelled it all out and both signed it. You gave very good guidance when you said to collect the facts and get outside input. I have followed both of these points. I am still debating on whether to try to collect for my work.
"One other practical note: How much money is involved? If you’re talking $3,000 or less, you can probably go to small claims court to try to collect. You represent yourself. If you’re talking less than $10,000 but more than $3,000, you’re in a middle ground that may make it not worth pursuing legally. You can burn up 10 grand just getting started with an attorney. More than 10 grand, it’s a judgement call.
"Then there is the fallout of taking on suing someone well-liked in the business community. I will let you know what I decide to do and how it plays out. Thanks again for the guidance. I felt like you wrote it just for me."
Name withheld
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