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The Green Sheet Online Edition

January 24, 2022 • Issue 22:01:02

New Products

Automate support desk coaching with smart AI

Product: Stella Connect
Company: Medallia Inc.

Medallia, a leading SaaS platform provider of customer and employee insights, launched Stella Connect, a solution designed to capture customer feedback in a highly humanized way. The company said the solution replaces legacy ticketing systems and CSAT tools with personalized surveys that include an agent photo and short biography, enabling customers to rate their interactions with agents on a scale of one to five stars and answer additional questions.

Leslie Stretch, president and chief executive officer of Medallia, described Stella Connect as an excellent coaching tool that can synchronize feedback with real-time coaching. "Increased automation of contact center workflow lets agents focus on higher value, higher priority interactions addressing industry-wide high staff turnover," he said. "Combining Stella Connect with Medallia Experience Cloud and Medallia's new Speech technology creates [a complete] work from anywhere contact center."

Stretch further noted that Stella Connect can optimize efficiencies, a critical necessity as more contact centers are shifting to remote and virtual environments. The platform offers numerous benefits to tech startups as well as enterprises, he stated, pointing out that ESPN, Lemonade, Lululemon, Postmates, Riot Games and Williams Sonoma are using the Stella Connect platform.

Reduced costs, fast ROI

Stella Connect delivers insights that improve customer retention, Medallia representatives stated. The platform's agent-level customer feedback enables high-volume contact centers to coach and engage frontline agents, they added, citing the following additional benefits:

    In-depth analytics:Efficiently analyze data from all touchpoints, including audio, call transcripts, chat logs, agent case notes and survey comments.

    Real-time capabilities: Promptly identify and track emerging issues with AI-powered speech and text analytics engines across an enterprise, from agents to executives, no matter where they sit.

    Productivity tools: Effectively manage agents with actionable workflows built for teams working from anywhere. Create coaching alerts to identify where agents are struggling and quickly drive improvement while reducing manual quality management processes.

    Escalation protocols: Automatically route positive and negative feedback for action by setting escalation paths and time frames and tracking methods to get ahead of repeat issues.

    Advanced data aggregation: Consistently gather insights from contact center teams to prioritize investments and inform broader company strategy. Reduce call volumes, democratize pain-points by leveraging insights from every call. Orchestrate signals across every customer interaction to deliver targeted, personalized experiences.

Medallia representatives additionally claimed that humanizing connections can boost response rates by as much as 30 percent. Stella Connect increases agent performance visibility in real time, they explained, no matter where companies or agents are located, and its coaching and training tools help companies ramp up new hires and keep tenured agents focused on results.

Robust integrations

Medallia stated that its SaaS platform, Medallia Experience Cloud, uses proprietary artificial intelligence and machine learning to capture billions of signals from voice, video, digital, IOT, social media and corporate messaging tool interactions to reveal predictive, actionable insights. These technologies help participating end-users reduce churn by cross-selling and up-selling at optimal times, the company added.

With teams increasingly removed from physical contact center sites, Stella Connect facilitates high-quality coaching between agents and managers, and its suite of solutions securely and seamlessly integrates with business applications and enterprise networks, Medallia noted. The platform's self-service resource hub includes how-to-guides and documentation, and Medallia's community forum is organized to help developers share best practices and questions with trusted peers.

In addition to the self-service hub and developer portal, end-users will find developer tools and resources designed to simplify integration and deployment, the company stated. These agile tools enable developers to design, test and launch solutions using the latest industry standards. end of article

Website: www.stellaconnect.com Contact: www.stellaconnect.com/contact/

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