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The Green SheetGreen Sheet

The Green Sheet Online Edition

October 10, 2022 • Issue 22:10:01


The budget-friendly, eco-friendly office

Payments professionals have all types of offices from small spaces just right for one person all the way to corporate headquarters housing hundreds of workers. During the pandemic, many people who'd always commuted to work began working from home for the first time. Since the easing of restrictions, some companies have opted to continue this remote work arrangement; others have called people back on a full- or part-time basis.

Those who have opted to downsize their offices benefit from reduced rent and maintenance for their facilities. Others who have eliminated central offices have brought that expense down to zero. Workers who no longer commute or commute less frequently are saving on gas and vehicle maintenance. For companies that can thrive with remote workers, this is a win-win-win for the companies, workers and the environment.


Aside from reducing office space, businesses can save money in other ways. One is to install solar panels either at home if you're home-based or at your place of business. Depending upon your location, you may be able to receive tax benefits for going solar, while enjoying a much smaller electricity bill going forward. Since solar energy is renewable, it is eco-friendly, which is a plus for people who are concerned about the environment.

Also, when it comes to use of electricity. Some folks leave their devices on overnight. While this makes getting down to business a bit faster in the morning, it wastes electricity while the equipment is not in use. Consider having everyone in your office shut down their connected devices when they call it quits for the day.


In this digital age, we use far less paper than previously. It's worth it, however, to check whether old practices are lingering in your place of business. This could be printing out an agenda to distribute at staff meetings, printing office manuals, using paper notes to alert colleagues about missed phone calls or other reminders. Whenever you find your business is repeatedly using paper for something that could be conveyed digitally, examine whether paper is really necessary.

There will be times when you'll want to continue to use paper. Office supply stores typically carry recycled paper of comparable price to traditional paper. If it's in your budget, you might consider using paper made from bamboo or hemp, which saves trees. And when it's time to purchase a new printer/copier, get one with two-sided printing capability. Reducing font size by one point size will also save paper and generally not be problematic for readers.

These ideas just scratch the surface of what's possible in terms of creating an eco-friendly, budget-friendly office. One thing to keep in mind is to get everyone on board with the goal. We're all entitled to our own opinions. People who aren't invested in environmental issues will likely get behind the benefits of saving money, particularly while inflation is running high. The more we are engaged as part of the solution in our daily lives, the more we will all thrive into the future. end of article

The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information.

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