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The Green SheetGreen Sheet

The Green Sheet Online Edition

July 22, 2024 • Issue 24:07:02


Are you falling too hard for cool tech?

It's a given that we all rely more and more on technology in every aspect of our lives. I expect you still use email and have a smartphone and cloud storage. Maybe you've started using AI, too. There's no doubt today’s technology helps us work better, faster and more efficiently.

That said, it's important to evaluate how you use these tools to determine if they're helping you work smarter or are merely cool gadgets or cumbersome platforms getting in your way. When eliminating unnecessary devices and programs, though, keep in mind that you'll need redundancy.

When your email goes down, are you paralyzed? If your cloud-based address book is inaccessible, are you unable to make calls or send emails? Save important files in more than one place. You might even consider having an old-fashioned printed copy of your contact list or save it on a separate device to avoid being caught unprepared.

Do your own thinking

Smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop devices are business staples. They keep us connected wherever we are. But are you letting your devices do too much? Sophisticated spreadsheet programs and CRMs, for example, are vital for sales planning and tracking, but don't let technology think for you. Master your analytics. Be able to explain them to your clients, and even translate terms for those who don't use the same or similar technology.

It seems that every day there's a sleek new gadget designed to make our lives easier. Remember how bulky cell phones used to be? Now they're slender, tiny, powerful handheld computers. Before you hand over your credit card for a new gadget, think about how it will benefit you. If the benefits outweigh the negatives, then go ahead. But think about it first. What features do you really need to interact expertly and efficiently in your business?

Use technology to your advantage. Examine what each tool is designed for and understand how it fits into your business strategy. Use the tools that fit your needs and toss the ones that create extra work. end of article

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