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A Thing Marketing to the Max

Marketing to the Max

Daniel Wadleigh

    Being the “best kept secret in town” is the opposite of “Profit Controlled Marketing.” Maximize what you have going for you with the best presentation of that magnificence in a communicated form. In other words, “Let it all hang out.” Why hold anything back that is useful in the process called stimulus/response? If you do, you are costing yourself money and time.

          In earlier articles we established the fact that when the consequences of not buying your product/service are unacceptable, people buy. We have now established that it takes the maximum possible view of the benefits of doing business with you. It is also necessary to stress the limits of the art and science of stimulus/response. In other words, don’t exaggerate anything!

         Don’t give one ounce of deceptiveness! Any part of your ad, presentation, or store appearance that has any kind of a hint of exaggeration will ruin the credibility of all claims about the benefits of your product/service. Watch and learn. Watch how you perceive ads. Don’t you look to see if you can depend upon the claims made about the product or service?

        Additionally, your personal credibility is at stake—and it should be. Take note, there are many ways to say the max about your product but, they had better all be the truth. Look at all the ads that promise lots more than they deliver. How do you feel about those who produce those ads, or about the product or service that they lie or mislead you about? Market to the max, with the truth!

Next time: “The Marketing of Satisfaction.” How you do this is your future!

        Daniel Wadleigh is Marketing Director of Profit Experts of Austin, TX. Excerpts are from “Profit Controlled Marketing” ( Profit Experts offers a turnkey Web package for ISOs including a CD to use when selling merchant accounts. Mr. Wadleigh can be reached at (888) 379-0659.  

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