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A Thing Games People Play

Games People Play

A merica's fascination with sports is longstanding, turning women into football widows and men into Cal Ripken wannabes. Ever thought of taking the game out of the office and onto the field? When was the last time you enjoyed a pickup game with coworkers?

Be it sandlot softball, touch football, backyard basketball, soccer, field hockey or even water polo, there's much to be said for putting together a company team. The obvious advantage is honing competitive skills, but just think of what else emerges when sneakers and shorts replace suits and stockings.

ISOs are known for their high energy. A corporate sports team channels that energy, building teamwork, camaraderie and confidence. Notwithstanding the healthy exercise and being outdoors away from phones, faxes and e-mails, playing ball blows off steam in a positive, non-destructive way. The crack of a bat or the spiral of a football sets off smiles, laughter and cheers, encouraging communication that just can't be found in a conference room.

Every foot put forward is a best foot forward on the field. Coworkers rally around each other, backslapping and boasting in a feel-good way. Goals are easily attained in a game where frivolity is the objective. Fear is replaced with fun.

Even in the pros, the best hitter strikes out and the top quarterback throws a bad pass. When things look grim on the field, athletes stick it out. And like business, the sports tide does turn. That's priceless for self-confidence.

What's stopping you? Not a thing. Just do it! Pass around a sign-up sheet. Pick a convenient time and wait for everyone to show up. Start with a pregame warmup, stretching and straining those sleepy muscles. Then on to a pregame pep talk with everyone participating. Everyone weighs in on what the goal is for the next game, what each player will do, how it will all work together. It's good practice for successful presentations back at the office.

Mix it up! Those who don't want to play in every game can stand on the sidelines cheering their teammates. Alternate positions, give everyone a chance to play the field - it will adjust those attitudes.

Once the game is over, it's Miller time with a twist. Your coworkers are offsite, enjoying the afterglow of their game performance. They're sweaty, tired, yet happy and bonded - a great time to hear what people are really feeling, really thinking. It is an ideal opportunity to discuss office goals, strategy, what's worked and hasn't worked that week back at the business arena.

Teamwork is a strong sales tool. A diverse pool of talent comes together on a field where corporate positions don't automatically translate to first string. There's no hierarchy in the dirt. Everyone's literally on a level playing field - and that's a good thing!

Winter is over. Spring has sprung. Go enjoy the boys - and girls - of summer!





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