s there anything more difficult to deal with than change? For some merchants, root canal is easier. For some ISOs, it's akin to Prometheus straining to move that mighty stone up the mountain. Resistance to change is borne of fear . fear of the unknown, the untried, the unproven. For many, change is a four-letter word - RISK. And you know what happens when you use four-letter words!
How do ISOs convince their customers that giving into fear is giving away their power, that they're essentially and stupidly turning over their freedom to fear? While belief and faith may be everyday rites in religion, ISOs have to translate these concepts from the pulpit to the presentations in order to realize increased revenue.
And merchants have many fears - fear of increased costs, fear of the amount of time needed to learn a new system, fear of ordering and paying for new supplies and equipment, fear of lack of knowledgeable support for that new system, and fear of acceptance by staff and also by customers. These legitimate fears just reek of resistance.
ISOs have to break through that resistance. ISOs have to assuage those fears with informed answers to questions, detailed examples of change- induced success and hard evidence to contradict erroneous assumptions. ISOs have to demystify their products and services.
If you can answer the following questions with clarity, alacrity and appeal, then the old dog surely will sit up and beg!
What does it do?
How is it set up?
How long will it take to set up?
What benefits will I see?
When will I see those benefits?
How will my customers be affected by the change?
What kind of security is available?
What custom features are available?
And the most asked and important question:
Will it make me money?