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A Thing One Ringy Dingy

One Ringy Dingy

B lame it on Alexander Graham and his bells. Telephones are a necessary sales evil for ISOs. But, with a small attitude adjustment, that evil can be channeled into excellence . and opportunity.

If you're ready to conquer your communication shortcomings, dial up the following:

+ Put a smile in your voice. That means actually speaking with a smile on your face! Stand in front of a mirror while talking and watch your expressions. Flip those frown lines into laugh lines.

+ Put charm in your tone. Record your conversations and hit the playback button. You'll be surprised at the notes your vocal chords hit. It's harmony you're after, not cacophony.

+ Lose the speakerphone. If you get close to your caller, you'll get even closer to closing a sale.

+ Apologize for using a cell phone. Static, traffic and tunnels can make even the best communicators sound bad. Always ask if your caller can hear you clearly.

+ Talk to the decision-maker. Be sure you're calling the right person . unless you have time to waste!

+ Envision your caller in the best possible light. Even if you don't know what they actually look like, picture them as an affable partner eager to discuss a common goal.

+ Clear the room if you're calling from home. Dogs and kids aren't conducive to good business communication.

+ Commit your attention to your caller. Once you're in a conversation, especially if it's a presentation - do not interrupt it to take another call. When's the last time you enjoyed being put on hold in midsentence?

+ Keep the conversation to just you and your caller. Don't talk to someone else (co-worker entering your office, acquaintance walking by your table) while you're on the line with your caller. Three is always a crowd when two are communicating.

+ Encourage your caller to put thoughts in his or her own words. Ask questions. You can tell a lot not just from what they're saying but how they say it.

+ Script each call. Write down key points that you must cover. Write down answers to anticipated objections. You know what they'll be. You've heard them all before!

+ Increase the number of phone calls daily - positive ones! Keep a tally board. Regularly check the plus column. If it's less than your minuses, go back and practice numbers 1 through 11.





 Copyright 2001 The Green Sheet, Inc.