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A Thing Downsized But Not Downtrodden

Downsized But Not Downtrodden

F rom top-tier executives to customer service desk clerks, no one in today's work force can claim immunity from pinkslipitis. At a time when salaries are stagnating and benefits are being buried alongside other perished perks, ISOs are in a unique position - and the smart ones are taking advantage of it.

As independent operatives, the majority of ISOs are not tied into corporate structure and don't necessarily get caught up in corporate restructure. Since their income is indigenous to merchant sales and not some Wall Street analysis of stock value, a quarterly report doesn't directly devastate the bottom line of most ISOs. Yes, the sluggish economy is certainly affecting consumer sales, but savvy ISOs are staying ahead of the game, keeping sales steady and motion forward. If you find yourself looking down instead of up, consider the following:

+ Buddy up. Connect with other sales professionals for counsel, critique or just quality conversation. Neither cellular phones nor all those solitary sales calls need keep you from teaming up with a kindred spirit to keep each other motivated.

+ Stay loose. Don't let missed calls or botched presentations stress you 'til you're tighter than a steel drum. Take a moment, look at the big picture and don't sweat the small stuff. After all, will any of it be remembered a hundred years from now?

+ Think positive. The difference between getting the sale is the difference between a good attitude and a bad one. Staying positive empowers super sales. Lose words like "can't" and "won't."

+ Examine the competition. Find out why merchants are choosing other ISOs over you. Either ask the prospect directly or research your competitors. What you find just might kick-start your sales.

+ Be real. Don't set yourself up for failure before the fact with goals that don't reflect the current business climate. Before this day is over, review your current goals. If need be, adjust them and go on to achieve!





 Copyright 2001 The Green Sheet, Inc.