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How Many Are ISOs?

Of the 6,000-some registered users on GS Online, how many are ISOs and how many are agents, etc.? It would be nice to know the makeup of these folks. Thanks.

John McKee

John, We have no way of delineating our database to that level. Approximately 82% of our subscriber base are MLSs/ISOs, the rest are vendors, processors and banks. However, all of this is determined by what users choose to call themselves when they register.


A Clarification on Gift and Loyalty Software

I thought the article on gift and loyalty ("The Gifts That Keep on Giving," by Ed Freedman, March 8, 2004) in issue 04:03:01 was timely and informative. In my opinion, if MLSs are not leading with value-added products today, they are losing many sales. I would like to respond to cc guy's comments on page 61 of the article.

TenderCard is certified on all Hypercom T7 and ICE equipment with 512k of memory. The key is to ensure that your processor will do the download or allow the ISO to so. Most processors have the ability to provide downloads. TenderCard provides download parameters for each equipment type to the entity that is responsible for the download process.

There are devices that allow partial downloads and they certainly make the process easier and quicker. Bob Robinson, EVP TenderCard

Looking for Portfolio Consolidation Information

The Green Sheet has published several thumbnail articles over the last couple of years on companies purchasing portfolios; the articles give some basic info about the purchase, number of clients, etc.

I am looking for seven to 10 of these so I can put together a portfolio evaluation study for my company and its members. Can you help?

Don Saunders


The entire backlist of stories in The Green Sheet since 1995 is available on GS Online ( Our search engine, "Fast Finder," will help you locate any subject or company that we have covered. I do not have a research assistant available at this time to assist you with your project. All materials published by The Green Sheet, Inc. are protected by U.S. copyright.


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