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Wanted: Bank Partner for High-risk Merchants

We are looking for a bank that will accept high-risk merchants. Domestic and offshore banks are acceptable. They do not have to accept adult businesses, as we don't want to acquire any of these merchants. Our current banks don't want high risk. Any help you can give us would be appreciated.

Steve Vrebalovich


On the GS Online MLS Forum's MLS Opportunities area, please visit the High Risk Business section at:


Help Untangle "Interchange Untangled"

I keep a copy of "Interchange Untangled" as a reference tool, as I cannot keep all of those details in my head. I have a question on the Visa CPS/Small Ticket rate: Does the transaction amount have to be less than $15 EVERY time? Or is this an average? Is there a source for more details on this type of transaction?

Roger Inman


We posed your question to Jared Isaacman, a member of our Advisory Board. He responded with the following information:

"Interchange is settled on an individual transaction basis. Therefore, each transaction must be under the threshold and each transaction must meet all the requirements for the appropriate interchange category to qualify."


When Processors Purchase Processing...?

What is the buy rate at which the processors purchase the processing from Visa and MasterCard? Also, what is the general perception of Lynk Systems, Inc. as compared to Paymentech, LP?

Elizabeth A. Sorensen
Sales, Marketing and Membership Services Manager
Minnesota Retailers Association


To answer the first part of your question, our FAQs, which are available on GS Online ( ) define "buy-rate" as follows:

The buy rate is the cost charged sales intermediaries by the merchant bank; it reflects interchange on a transaction plus the bank's mark-up. This differs from the discount rate, which is what the intermediary charges the merchant after marking up the buy rate. This means that the buy-rate will vary depending on the mark-up. If you were referring to interchange rates charged by Visa and MasterCard, you can find that information here: .

Unfortunately, we cannot address the second part of your question. The Green Sheet, Inc. does not make recommendations for companies. Editor

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