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Instant software for POS developers

Product: POS Developer Toolkit
Company: SLIM CD Inc.

It can take more than a year to create a software application that's certified by the major payment processors. Compliance with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard, which is required by the card Associations, takes even longer.

There is much to consider when designing POS software. For example, a payment gateway certified by all of the processors, and software authorizing access to the gateway, are standard requirements. A virtual terminal eliminating the need for hardware or a shopping cart for online merchants might be needed as well.

For several years SLIM CD Inc., a developer specializing in credit card processing software, has offered resellers and merchants the SLIM CD, a dynamic POS software application that incorporates all of the above capabilities.

Now, the company has put this processing technology into a Toolkit for all POS developers. This means developers will no longer need to build an application from scratch and then worry about compliance and certification.

This advance also offers the capability to design and build the entire credit card processing portion of a business' software applications. It's like giving someone the parts to build a car.

The Toolkit includes working sample code (written in all commonly used languages) that POS developers can cut and paste into their own applications.

The kit allows developers to use Rapid Application Development (RAD) which combines iterative development, prototype construction, and the use of computer-aided software engineering. According to Wikipedia, RAD's objective "is to create a working application to help a user flesh out requirements."

This means that what used to take months, now takes hours. The POS Developer Toolkit provides a payment gateway that allows automatic connectivity to all major processors including First Data Corp., NOVA Information Systems, Chase Paymentech Solutions, check processor Cross Check Inc. and gift card processor Valutec. It is also already PCI-compliant.

This Toolkit could be what closes the deal between a merchant level salesperson (MLS) and a merchant. Imagine a prospect with pen in hand hovering above the dotted line realizing his equipment is not compatible with the processor the MLS represents.

Not to worry. With SLIM CD's POS Developer Toolkit, the merchant is compatible with any processor. The MLS can even show the merchant's POS developer how easy it is to be certified and processing in no time using the Toolkit.

There's another big plus: Residual opportunities are available for both sales agents and the software developers.


Article published in issue number 060202

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