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A Thing
Issue 06:02:02

Industry Update

Government wants part of 'Wal-Mart suit' settlement

NOVA to acquire First Horizon's merchant processing business

POS alternatives attracting merchant attention


Better tech, promising ROI prompt wireless-ATM adoption

By John McGill,

Industry Leader:
Sam Chanin

A wise man building for the future

Trade Association News
Full swing into spring

Perspectives on SOX and payment processing


Discover's debit play

By Patti Murphy


Street SmartsSM:
A 'bit' of a look at payment data transfer

By Amy B. Garvey

Confidentiality clauses in ISO agreements

By Adam Atlas

Purchase price is only half the story

By Biff Matthews and Kurt Strawhecker

Why e-mail is e-ssential

By Nancy Drexler and Sam Neuman

Directions in technology: Open source

By Joel Rydbeck

Offering the right ATMs to the right customers

By Tommy Glenn

Company Profiles

Access One ATM Inc.

New Products

Instant software for POS developers

A secure terminal from a security company

Big service for smaller gas stations


Separating work from home

Act like the boss



Resource Guide


Time for a change

Before reading any further down the page, shift your focus to the top of the magazine, just above the date and issue number. See anything different? Here's a hint: Read the tag line.

We quietly changed The Green Sheet's tag line in the last issue, and some of you, our more astute readers, may have noticed. But we think you deserve an explanation and a little history. This is, after all, a publication especially for you, the ISOs and merchant level salespeople (MLSs).

We first used a tag line more than 11 years ago, in issue 95:01:01. It was "News and Advisory Service for ISOs in the Financial Services Industry." Not bad, but as the publication grew, both in the number of pages and breadth of coverage, we decided to make a slight modification.

Beginning with issue 99:02:02 and for almost seven years, "The Financial Services Industry Source for Education, Inspiration and Actionable Advice" stretched across the top of the page. But a lot has changed in that time.

"The payments industry has evolved significantly over the past several years," said Kate Gillespie, The Green Sheet's Chief Operating Officer and General Manager. "Technology marches forward, paving the way for innovation, which results in new payment methods. The Green Sheet also has been through changes, and we wanted to more specifically define our role in the industry."

We believe that our latest tag line, "Dedicated to the Education and Success of the ISO and MLS," more clearly communicates what The Green Sheet, and our other award-winning publications, the GSQ and GS Online, are all about: bringing the right information to the right people in the right way.

Article published in issue number 060202

Notice to readers: These are archived articles. Contact names or information may be out of date. We regret any inconvenience.
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