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Restaurant POS systems nickel-ing you to death?

Product: POS touch-screen system
Company: Edirex

Are big-name POS systems taking too many nickel-size bites out of your restaurant prospects' transactions? Do you want to steer them toward a cost-effective solution that keeps you in the processing loop? The POS touch-screen system from Edirex is an alternative for restaurants and retailers that caters to ISOs as well. It consists of a 15-inch, liquid crystal display touch screen with an attached magnetic card reader, an electronic cash drawer and an Epson thermal receipt printer.

The system uses PC Charge software, payment-server version, according to Larry Cohn, Edirex Vice President of Business Development.

For retailers, the system also includes a bar-code reader and customer-facing pole display. Bar-code makers are also available.

For hospitality applications, the system comes with POS software - restaurant edition. Unlike some competitors, Edirex never adds a per-transaction charge for credit cards.

Edirex created a nonproprietary system so that upgrades and repairs could be plugged in easily, efficiently and at low expense.

The restaurant POS cashier-station package retails to the merchant for $6,697, and the order station package retails for $5,597; prices are approximately one-third lower than leading proprietary restaurant systems, Cohn said.

A wireless personal digital assistant (PDA) and database server system for multiple stations retails for $9,997 and includes all hardware and a wireless PDA made by Hewlett-Packard Co. Installation is included in the retail price. Edirex contracts with local installation and technical support teams nationwide.

Edirex charges merchants $20 per month per station/cash register. This gives them access to unlimited telephone support, Cohn said.

Most such calls involve helping merchants fix pricing errors entered into their systems. After 60 days, the company charges $85 per hour for on-site service calls.

Catering to the ISO channel, Edirex notifies the ISO when it receives an automated alert that a merchant using the system is attempting to reprogram its software.

Merchants' employees may sign in using passwords, swipe cards or biometrics.

Edirex also integrates its own surveillance systems for merchants who want to synchronize and coordinate video recordings with individual transactions.

The system integration is useful in preventing employee theft of merchandise, because the camera can record hand movements, and video can be watched live at a remote location.

After you save your restaurants a bundle on POS systems, tell them to save their nickels in a piggy bank for a wireless POS system. Edirex is in discussions with a leading terminal manufacturer to integrate its POS system with wireless pay-at-the-table equipment.


Article published in issue number 061101

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