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ISO/MLS contact:
Global payment Senior Vice President and Chief Sales Officer
Lawrence Latvala
service provider
pus Consulting Solutions is a payment jump start payment device integration projects.
technology provider with operations in North Areas of specialization include NFC and contactless
America and India. Founded in 1997 as Opus interfaces, physical POS, e-commerce, biometric
O Software Services, the company prides itself and ATM applications, outside payment terminals
on being an innovation engine for Fortune 500 clients and innovative card-reader interfaces.
around the world. Opus launched ElectraCard in 2006, • The Remittance Center of Excellence works with
India's first prepaid payment card, which MasterCard remittance businesses on initiatives that may
acquired in 2014, and moved its headquarters from India include application development and maintenance,
to Chicago that same year. The new name and brand integration, program management, and billing
identity reflected its broader outlook and expanding and compliance solutions related to this industry
array of customized solutions. segment.
Opus Chief Executive Officer Anand Ramakrishnan, who • The Emerging Payments Innovation Center
served for two decades as an executive at Capgemini, has facilitates development of innovative products and
focused on strengthening Opus Consulting's leadership services to help clients solidify leadership in their
in retail payments worldwide. "Talent acquisition and business spheres. Key areas of focus include mobile
strategic alliances with industry leaders are going to play payments; contactless, NFC and EMV solutions;
a major role in our growth aspirations," he said. cloud payments; and social media integration.
Centers of excellence and innovation lab Five core competencies
Six Payments Centers of Excellence and an Emerging "We identified five core competencies among clients
Payments Innovation Center were devised to leverage the with a global presence in the payments ecosystem," said
company's engineering expertise and infrastructure to Ashish Raina, Global Head of Marketing and Alliances
provide continuous support and expertise to clients and at Opus. "We built our service lines around these five
partners. competencies." The competencies include:
• The Security & Risk Center of Excellence provides • Platform transformation: Efficient transaction
solutions in Europay, MasterCard and Visa (EMV) switches and migration methods are crucial to
compliance, certification and migration; two- maintaining and updating payments infrastruc-
factor and biometric authentication; point-to-point tures.
encryption; and Payment Application and Payment
Card Industry Data Security Standard compliance. • Digital technologies: Expertise in digital remit-
tance, prepaid cards, fund transfers, mobile net-
• The Acquiring Center of Excellence works with work operator integrations and mobility toolkits
traditional payment channels and focuses on ATM can help companies manage complex global enter-
and POS switching, merchant accounting, risk prises.
and fraud management, interchange and payment
gateways. • Analytics: Adept use of payment analytics and big
data visualization can help companies plan ahead
• The Issuing Center of Excellence works with and craft and execute strategy.
legacy card issuing and authorization systems to
support EMV across the United States, Europe, • Testing: Testing and certification of ATMs and de-
Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific regions. Areas vices, device integration software, mobile payment
of expertise include interchange; prepaid, credit devices, model and risk-based testing, and low cost
and debit products; risk and fraud management; centers of excellence are critical to success.
and billing and analytics. • Compliance: Payment compliance and best prac-
• The Mobile Payments Center of Excellence tices create a secure framework for all types of
provides mobile payment solutions to financial payments integrations, including middleware, anti-
institutions, payment service providers and mobile money laundering and know your customer efforts
network operators. Projects include mobile wallets, and cross-border payments.
near field communication (NFC) technology, mobile Believing its payments expertise, assets and global
network operator and trusted service manager reach make it an excellent fit for companies seeking to
interfaces, and mobile handset applications. expand their omnichannel capabilities globally, Opus is
• The Payment Devices Center of Excellence focused on developing long-term, mutually beneficial
provides libraries and toolkits to help customers partnerships with payments industry stakeholders.
ISO/MLS contact:
Global payment Senior Vice President and Chief Sales Officer
Lawrence Latvala
service provider
pus Consulting Solutions is a payment jump start payment device integration projects.
technology provider with operations in North Areas of specialization include NFC and contactless
America and India. Founded in 1997 as Opus interfaces, physical POS, e-commerce, biometric
O Software Services, the company prides itself and ATM applications, outside payment terminals
on being an innovation engine for Fortune 500 clients and innovative card-reader interfaces.
around the world. Opus launched ElectraCard in 2006, • The Remittance Center of Excellence works with
India's first prepaid payment card, which MasterCard remittance businesses on initiatives that may
acquired in 2014, and moved its headquarters from India include application development and maintenance,
to Chicago that same year. The new name and brand integration, program management, and billing
identity reflected its broader outlook and expanding and compliance solutions related to this industry
array of customized solutions. segment.
Opus Chief Executive Officer Anand Ramakrishnan, who • The Emerging Payments Innovation Center
served for two decades as an executive at Capgemini, has facilitates development of innovative products and
focused on strengthening Opus Consulting's leadership services to help clients solidify leadership in their
in retail payments worldwide. "Talent acquisition and business spheres. Key areas of focus include mobile
strategic alliances with industry leaders are going to play payments; contactless, NFC and EMV solutions;
a major role in our growth aspirations," he said. cloud payments; and social media integration.
Centers of excellence and innovation lab Five core competencies
Six Payments Centers of Excellence and an Emerging "We identified five core competencies among clients
Payments Innovation Center were devised to leverage the with a global presence in the payments ecosystem," said
company's engineering expertise and infrastructure to Ashish Raina, Global Head of Marketing and Alliances
provide continuous support and expertise to clients and at Opus. "We built our service lines around these five
partners. competencies." The competencies include:
• The Security & Risk Center of Excellence provides • Platform transformation: Efficient transaction
solutions in Europay, MasterCard and Visa (EMV) switches and migration methods are crucial to
compliance, certification and migration; two- maintaining and updating payments infrastruc-
factor and biometric authentication; point-to-point tures.
encryption; and Payment Application and Payment
Card Industry Data Security Standard compliance. • Digital technologies: Expertise in digital remit-
tance, prepaid cards, fund transfers, mobile net-
• The Acquiring Center of Excellence works with work operator integrations and mobility toolkits
traditional payment channels and focuses on ATM can help companies manage complex global enter-
and POS switching, merchant accounting, risk prises.
and fraud management, interchange and payment
gateways. • Analytics: Adept use of payment analytics and big
data visualization can help companies plan ahead
• The Issuing Center of Excellence works with and craft and execute strategy.
legacy card issuing and authorization systems to
support EMV across the United States, Europe, • Testing: Testing and certification of ATMs and de-
Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific regions. Areas vices, device integration software, mobile payment
of expertise include interchange; prepaid, credit devices, model and risk-based testing, and low cost
and debit products; risk and fraud management; centers of excellence are critical to success.
and billing and analytics. • Compliance: Payment compliance and best prac-
• The Mobile Payments Center of Excellence tices create a secure framework for all types of
provides mobile payment solutions to financial payments integrations, including middleware, anti-
institutions, payment service providers and mobile money laundering and know your customer efforts
network operators. Projects include mobile wallets, and cross-border payments.
near field communication (NFC) technology, mobile Believing its payments expertise, assets and global
network operator and trusted service manager reach make it an excellent fit for companies seeking to
interfaces, and mobile handset applications. expand their omnichannel capabilities globally, Opus is
• The Payment Devices Center of Excellence focused on developing long-term, mutually beneficial
provides libraries and toolkits to help customers partnerships with payments industry stakeholders.